jueves, 6 de marzo de 2008


Osogbo's reading of the year 2008 from Idin-Ileke Ifa Temple. This was done with the participation of high-ranking and junior priests of Ifa of Osogbo and environs at the temple's location on Olugun Street at Atelewo junction in Osogbo, the capital of Osun State. This especially pertains to all those that are natives of Osogbo or have done their training and initiations with our Orisa community of Osogbo.

Alias : Ate ninu ilosun
O sobo - Iku - Ebo ni kaa ru

There are many good message. There are also alot of warnings and advise. There are also variouis Orisa that needs to be propitiated very well.

1. Ifa sees good tidings, and we need to appease Orisanla/Obatala for blessings as well as for protection. Obatala has a big role to play this year.

2. We need to make ebo for long life and to avert sudden death; ebo is needed to drive away many negative forces; In this Odu Ifa there is a prescribed ifa plant here to be applied after ebo which is prepared in the form of spiritual soap for bathing and some part for incisions on the body; this Odu calls for one big he-goat, 3 roasters and money for ebo.

3. If some businss men or women have plans to move from one state to another, ifa must be consulted prior; ebo and advice is necessary for good luck in business ventures, for large success and for it to not turn into regret or loss.

4. This Odu Ifa talk about Obatala; again we need ebo and we need to appease Obatala in another area of this Odu to make all our prayers and wishes become manifest; we need to pray fervently and good results will come; our prayers will be answered.

5. Ifa also talks about good relationships for many people; Egbe Orun (comrades of heaven) must be appeased; married couple must embrace love for one another and there is the need to be more cooperative with each other than before; we need to preach love and shun hatred or conflict.

6. Obatala will give us more fame, popularity and dignity; ebo and appeasement of Obatala is needed.

7. Ifa forsees many tragic incidents such as sudden death, auto accidents, and many other disasters, but we orisa practitioners need ebo so that we can be exempted from all of these bad occurrences; ebo to drive away all these negative forces; Ifa must be appeased, Esu must be appeased, Ogun must be appease so that the entire family, husband, wives and children and extended family can be well protected. More children are coming to the world. They will be blessed with good health and good wisdom.

8. We need to appease the strong mothers of the world (IYAMI/the witches). We must respect them. We need to adore them and we must not abuse any old women. They are our mother; we must not do anything to make them angry with us. They have there own good power that they are using to support and bless us. In this area the ebo calls for 1 female goat, 1 giant rat and money.

9. Orisa Odu (Olofin) must be appeased by senior ifa priests, it is also good for many old and senior ifa priests to receive their own odu/olofin for blessings, power and spiritual growth. This area calls for 16 big snails, 1 female goat for ebo.

10. Ifa said we will have victory over our enemies.

11. More people will embrace Ifa for light, truth and love. Some of them will be initiated this year. ITEFA is needed for many new people to know their roles and their paths in life, to know their past, present and future, as well as their taboos which are the dos and don'ts of their destiny.

12. OBALUWAYE/SONPONNA (Babaluaye) must be appease for protection and to avert any kind of sickness or health problems. Brooms must be keep indoors; we must not let sweeping brooms be kept in the sun; it is one of the taboos of Sonponna. Obaluwaye is going to be friendly with all of us, and he will not fight us (ASE!!!).

13. We need to remember our ancestors. They need to be appeasedd especially on our fathers’ side. They must be appeased through the sacred objects of Egungun such as Opaku, the Egungun masquerade, etc. For sacrifice to Egungun Ifa calls for roosters, 1 he goat, 1 big ram, kolanuts, any alcoholic drink such as gin, scotch or brandy, etc. It is not compulsory to use all the animals at one time; any of the above material animals, from rooster to the ram, maybe used for an individual depending on their financial capability. Or all the animals may be used as a larger sacrifice for a group of people. This is for blessings and spiritual growth.

14. Ebo to re-activate some peoples spirit and to uplift there lives. Some are suffering from depression, but this ebo also will help to have good focus. There is also good Ifa preparation from this verse for good memory with electric fish (Eja Ojiji) and ifa plant.

15. WARNINGS: -People must endure with what they have; their income may be limited, but there must be tolerance; no over ambition. Wealthy people must not do what will make them poor. There must be no greediness. no taboo breaking and people must be faithful to each other and have loyalty use transparency with one another; no cheating, and use equal rights for everyone. There is more appeasement that needs to be done for Esu Odara in this area. Those that engage in gambling in one form or another need to be extra cautious to not loose large somes of money. Ebo can help. It can provide the necessarily solutions if people abide by the sacrifices and advices of Ifa.


2. IFA
3. EGBE (one’s comrades of heaven)
6. OBALUWAYE (babaluaye)
7. IYAMI AJE (witches)
8. ODU OLOFIN (powerful wife of Orunmila)
9. EGUNGUN (the ancestors)

Ela boru, Ela boye, Ela bosise o!

Chief Aikulola Fawehinmi
Gbawoniyi Awo of Osogbo